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你独特的财务遗产是什么? Based on your age, maybe you’ve never even thought about the later years of your money life. Allow us to get you thinking about it, regardless of your life stage. 俗话说得好,越快越好!

是的, 人寿保险, 投资, and an estate plan are crucial components of a long-term financial strategy, 正如你通常会在下面听到和读到的. Yet there are many other things you can do today to intentionally create a lasting impact on your money, 你的未来, 还有你爱的人.

1. 你的风格

什么样的财务遗产对你来说是重要的? What do you want from your money over the course of your life? It’s different for everyone and could be many different things even for you.

  • 如果你重视 安慰, you may wish to invest more in your environment; your 首页 life.
  • 如果你渴望 冒险, you may wish to travel more and use your money toward Bucket List activities.
  • 如果你想 安全, you may wish to spend conservatively in all areas of your life and maximize savings and insurance planning.
  • 如果你愿意 影响, you may wish to support charitable organizations that are important to you and leave sizeable gifts to family members.
  • When you are able to determine what’s most important to you, 你为你的决策创建了一个指导点, 前进.

2. 你的习惯

Developing financial discipline in your daily life will help you in the long run. It’s never too early or too late to create a focus on and improve your money-related habits. 从掌握这3个基本行为开始:

存更多的钱. 当你首先支付自己的时候, you enjoy the motivating benefit of compound interest, 什么能加快你储蓄的增长速度.

预算和节约 for short-term needs such as emergencies, 首页 repairs and vacations. Plan and invest for long-term needs such as education and retirement.

Avoid expensive overdraft fees and high interest rates on personal loans and credit cards - both can drain you of extra cash without you even realizing it.

3. 你的信用

How you handle 债务 determines your credit score and history, and it’s an overall rating you will carry with you throughout your financial life.

管理你目前拥有或承担的任何债务, we recommend you maintain a chart of all your commitments including the creditors you owe, 你的最低还款额, 你的整体结余, 还有利率. 然后决定一个偿还债务的策略. 你会先处理最大的余额吗? Or the one that carries the highest interest rate first, regardless of balance? These are two highly popular ways to pay off 债务 over time in addition to consolidation which combines multiple balances into one loan, often at lower interest rates and with more affordable payments.

Just remember – it does take time, often many years, to become 债务-free – and that’s okay. If you manage it responsibly, your credit rating will reflect that.

4. 你的保险

The main point of insurance is to protect you from financial setbacks. 管理你的汽车风险, 首页, 其他个人物品, 债务, and your life itself are considerations when purchasing various types of insurance. Our best advice about insurance is to take the time to shop around and compare pricing before you buy, 就像你购买其他大宗商品时一样, 比如车辆和家具.

5. 你的慈善事业

Sharing your treasure might be something that’s important to you. 如果是这样的话, you will want to work charitable giving into your budget along with saving, 账单, 债务支付. Over time and if you can afford it, you may want to gradually increase your annual donations. 最终, you can roll your favorite causes into your 投资 and estate plan, 下面的第6条和第7条提到了另外两个因素.

6. 你的投资

A professional financial advisor has the knowledge and experience to partner with you to design a lifelong plan for your assets. Diversifying your 投资 is key as is patient decision-making. Especially in a volatile market as we are facing today, decisions based on nerves can lead to costly mistakes. Stick to your plan and check in regularly with your advisor so you’ll know where you stand.

7. 你的财产

This term does not apply only to sprawling acreage or a palatial 首页. Your estate includes everything you own from property to cash and 投资 to personal belongings. Estate Planning is best done with a legal professional, 谁会帮你起草遗嘱和/或信托, 基于你的特殊情况. You can also include wishes for your own funeral or celebration of life in a will, which can alleviate stress on your family members in the future.

8. 你的地下室

You may not have a large physical safe or even a safe deposit box. 尤其是在数字时代, compiling a “life file” is an essential step in ensuring the legacy you’ve designed will be carried out. Research and determine the most secure way to list your accounts, 投资, 密码, and contact information for the trusted advisors who handle your financial and legal affairs. 然后, speak with your attorney or accountant about the best way to designate one or more trusted, 有组织的, and responsible individuals to handle the data when needed.

This overview is only a glimpse of what it takes to create a legacy. May it set you on a path toward learning and speaking more about this vital financial topic with trusted professionals who specialize in these areas.

你知道吗?? 64% X世代(37-52岁)中有一半没有遗嘱.

在美国, 800+ 公司提供人寿保险. It is important to do research before buying a policy.

有问题? 我们的专家在这里为您提供支持. 接触元素 for support with all aspects of your financial journey.

This information is provided for informational purposes only. 它不构成法律、税务或财务建议. Consult with your tax, legal or financial adviser before taking any action.




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